It has been brought to our attention that some people have received what appeared to be genuine offers of employment from IOTC via e-mail, but which turned out to be fraudulent. This kind of "Phishing", mails, is an e-mail scam targeting many companies worldwide. The senders are generally trying to obtain personal and/or bank information.
They may also be trying to extract money for processing job applications or costs related to "work permits" or "visa working papers".
In other cases, candidates have been asked for payment to secure interviews or guarantee a job.
If this happens to you, please do not provide the fraudsters with any personal details or money. If you believe a role to be a fake posting, please do not interact with it and instead refer to our full list of vacancies at our website / Linked In.
If you're still unsure and wish to clarify with us, please e mail to us at with any one of the resourcing team.