IOTC Group believes that its success depends on its approach, which emphasizes the necessity of continual improvement of the quality, environment, occupational health and safety systems.
The policy of the company consists of the following elements:
The description of the “job” in IOTC Group is the performance of jobs in a way which is efficient, high quality, sensitive to nature, safe and healthy. Therefore, employees and subcontractors are encouraged to adopt the goal of "zero accidents" as a way of life.
It is committed to complying with the employers’ requirements, with applicable local and international legal requirements and with other HSE requirements. A safe working environment shall be provided for our employees, subcontractors, visitors and it is aimed to eliminate the hazardous and reduce the risks and evaluate the opportunities. It is expected that they will maintain standards exert the utmost efforts to improve upon them.
An effective internal communication with employees and employee representatives is provided to get participation in the management system. HSE trainings and awareness of employees and subcontractors shall be provided to increase their competency and promote their participation.
An effective communication line shall be established with all related parties. To ensure the protection of the environment, health, safety and security of all employees, all required resources shall be provided. Occupational health and safety risks and environmental impacts for all processes and activities shall be identified and managed by taking required measures to prevent pollution, injury and ill health. Minimizing the use of natural resources and waste during the entire design, procurement, construction, and commissioning phases of projects is a primary goal.
An environmentally friendly work methodology shall be adopted by keeping in mind that all activities have an environmental impact. The execution of the occupational health, safety and environmental management system shall be monitored and measured to improve the effectiveness of HSE management systems.
IOTC Group has been included in the scope of ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 9001:2015 HSE Management Systems with all activities.
The scope of IOTC Group operations in HSE Management Systems is, engineering, procurement and installation of all systems and facilities with the design, engineering and construction of airports, terminals, infrastructure works, construction structures, high rise buildings and high-tech structures buildings.
The scope of HSE Management System is applied to all regions/countries, geographic locations and IOTC Group headquarters and enterprises.