

IOTC ensures that by taking a proactive role in caring for the environment, we can help minimize our carbon footprint and make the world a better place to live for future generations and ourselves. We recognize that businesses must take responsibility for their industryy's effects on the environment; therefore, we will be formulating our Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to contribute to tackling global environmental challenges we face across industries.

It is the policy of IOTC to operate our companies in a more efficient manner, by avoiding waste wherever possible, by conserving energy wherever possible at all our operational centers. By following our HSE policy, we strive to be economical in all uses of finite resources and thereby protecting the environment.

We make sure that our services and our operations have the lowest possible adverse impact on the environment. We are working to further improve energy efficiency and to reduce emissions in all aspects of our business, with focus on the use of renewable and alternative energy like wave and solar.

At IOTC we do not see industry and the environment in conflicting positions. There are inherent challenges that need to be addressed, but we believe that a holistic approach &and responsible informed choices can lead to solutions that are sustainable.